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NDHPA Officers
NDHPA Officers
President - Stuart Sipma (Bismarck, ND - 2 Year Term to 2024)
Vice President - Don Pederson (Grand Forks, ND - 2 Year Term to 2025)
Secretary - Michele Trader (Grand Forks, ND -2 Year Term to 2025)
Treasurer - Bill Trader (Grand Forks, ND - 2 Year Term to 2024)
Membership Director - Linda Beechie (Mandan, ND - 2 Year Term to 2024)
NDHPA Board of Directors
NDHPA Board of Directors
East Region
Paul Anderson (West Fargo, ND)
Joe Martin (Jamestown, ND)
Jean McNichols (Jamestown, ND)
West Region
Norm Braaten (Minot, ND)
Garnett Rudie (Bismarck, ND)
NDHPA NHPA Regional Director
NDHPA NHPA Regional Director
Jeanine Rodvold (Fargo, ND)
NDHPA Historian
NDHPA Historian
Joe Martin (Jamestown, ND)